Katrina Asfardi is a renowned contortionist, aerialist, and multi-skilled performer, celebrated for her captivating circus acts including contortion, aerial performances, and innovative acts like t...
Read moreMary Sanders, a dual citizen of the U.S. and Canada, is a 2004 Olympian in rhythmic gymnastics. Transitioning from a decorated sports career to dazzling performances with Cirque du Soleil, she now...
Read moreMy favourite part of being an artist is the connection with art. We create art with our bodies every day, and I get to do what I love every single day. Nicole Kolev, a spirited 23-year-old I...
Read moreJonathan Goodwin is a Welsh hypnotherapist and former stunt performer. He has been called ‘the closest thing we can boast to a real-life superhero’ and ‘the world’s greatest theatrical stunt perfor...
Read moreChristine Shevchenko was born in Odessa, Ukraine and moved to America with her single mother when she was just 7 years old, following the collapse of the Soviet Union. She has become a highly renow...
Read moreJérome Sordillon is a French-born aerialist, currently starring in Cirque du Soleil show Luzia. Jérome started gymnastics at the age of four, competed for 16 years to then transition into Circus A...
Read moreKarolina Gajewska started her sports journey as an acrobat at the age of 9. She combines her acrobatic and contortion skills with CrossFit training as part of what she describes as 'an addiction to...
Read moreGreta Pontarelli is a 13 times World Pole Art and Pole Sports Masters Champion. She is the World's Oldest Champion and has won more World Pole Championships than any other pole artist. However, far...
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